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Mattress Questions


Product Care

2 articles


What is the difference between the Classic & Premier Mattress?

The classic and premier mattresses have two different topper heights.  The Classic features a 3 inch topper and the premier features a 4” topper.  Additionally, the classic has a firmer feel and the premier has a softer plush feel.

What are the recommended weight limits for the mattresses?

We recommend no more than 2,000 lbs on our mattresses and bed frames.

Is the firmness control on both sides?

Yes, each side has its own unique firmness control.

How do I operate the firmness dials?

To make the mattress feel softer, turn the dial to a softer setting and lay on the mattress.  Depending on the mattress, this may take a few minutes to adjust.  To make the mattress feel firmer, you will need to get off the mattress and turn the dial